Tag Archives: st louis food

Some Great Reviews!

I recently checked our Amazon reviews and found these lovely gems from two avid reviewers!!

5 of 5 stars
Go Forth and Eat Great Things
What we need is a library full of books like this. People crave local foods which reflect the broad ethnic diversity of this nation. I commend Clara Moore and Matt Sorrell in their accomplishment of this task for the city of St. Louis. This well written digest of local neighborhoods, shops, stores, and resources is peppered with recipes, resources for non- “St.Louis-ers” (I made that up!) which reflects the vibrance of not only St. Louis but America. I will be calling Volpi’s for salami, The Smokehouse Market for some real sausages, and several others. This book is a St. Louis Foodies dream. Get it – read it – and go forth and eat great things!


5 of 5 stars
Great Planning Tool
My wife and I like to take vacations in cities. We’ve been to many of the great cities in the United States. We are planning a trip this summer to St. Louis. When we travel we focus on 3 primary activities: 1) Eating in restaurants, especially various ethnic restaurants, that we can’t find in our local community; 2) Visiting farmers markets, ethnic grocery stores, and other places food stuff is found; 3) Shopping at antique stores, malls, flee markets, estate sales, etc.”Shop Like A Chef” by Chef Clara Moore and Matt Sorrell has proven to be a great planning tool for our visit. In a consolidated place we could find the places to meet 1 and 2 on our lists and with the neighborhood guide we could quickly interface and compare the locations of eating and food markets with the antique shopping guides we have for the St. Louis area. This was a time savor and a real help in our planning.

Additionally the book was an interesting read providing a wealth of information about St. Louis that I have not seen in any of the other materials we have including information from official city and visitor information sources.

As avid cooks we have circled a couple recipes from the book to try, especially after we visit the stores and restaurants in a couple months.

We will definitely look for similar guides to help us plan future trips. Great job.

We can’t thank the readers enough for leaving such passionate and honest reviews. We are humbled and happy to bring new fun and food into peoples’ lives! I hope you will check the book out and find it just as inspiring!!
Get out there and Shop Like A Chef.



Just about here!

The manuscript is shipped off to the printer! So we are just a few weeks away from the real thing. Sharon, Matt, Ben, and I have been staring at a digital copy of the book for so long I think we forgot that it was even going to be printed….


This is what the cover looks like:




We are busy busy scheduling events, signings, and other fun book related things for November! We have already got preorders from some wonderful stores all over the area and will be shipping out the Kickstarter rewards as soon as we get the books and the gorgeous swag from Firecracker Press.


Stay Tuned!